Radon Gas Inspection Services


At Healthy Homes IAQ™/IEQ, we understand the importance of radon testing in homes and the effects radon gas can have on your family. Radon gas is colourless, ordourless. It emanates from decaying uranium in the soil around your home. As time passes, radon gas can seep into your home through any cracks and openings in the ground. 

Exposure to radon can is a serious threat to your health. A recent study by the Canadian Cancer Society found that radon is the leading environmental cause of lung cancer, the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and the second leading cause of lung cancer in smokers. The government of Canada is doing its best to raise awareness of the threat of radon gas and the serious toll it may play on your health. 

Adequate ventilation and radon mitigation systems can help prevent threats to your family’s health but only testing can verify if hazards exist on your home. At Healthy Homes IAQ, we can provide a complete radon testing service and provide solutions to prevent further radon related issues and help you to protect your family. 

How Do I Know If I am Being Exposed to Radon Gas?


There are two ways to test for radon gas in your home: 

  1. Purchase a do-it-yourself radon test kit 
  1. Hire a radon measurement professional like Healthy Homes IAQ 

While DIY radon measurement kits may provide you with insight as to whether you may have an issue with radon gas, it doesn’t provide you with any solutions and you’ll likely have to hire a radon measurement professional to help you with solutions for mitigating the effects of radon gas. At Healthy Homes IAQ, our expertise is centered on assessing major environmental defects like radon gas.  Our expert-level knowledge of radon gas and other issues that create IEQ/IAQ related problems in homes is supported by our in-depth background and understanding of environmental and construction-based defects and issues. We are experts in developing solutions for radon gas exposure and can provide a customize solution to for the unique challenges you may face. 

When it comes to your family’s health, Healthy Homes IAQ is well-versed in radon gas detection, and we can help you determine the best path forward to ensure a healthy home. 

Our Services


 Our professional services include: 

  • Site assessment and full spectrum environmental testing for building health and personal health-based issues. 
  • Review and assessment of major defects in buildings, mechanical and ventilation and specialty systems that affect Indoor Environmental (IEQ) and Air Quality (IAQ). 
  • Environmental defect and hazard analysis and reporting. 
  • Coordination of Environmental Project Issues and Environmental Project Management services. 

Our Professional Affiliations




Our Value

In addition to our expert analysis and inspection, we provide practical repair, maintenance, and operation tips which allow our clients to reduce the likelihood of future problems with Indoor Environment and Air Quality in their homes and office spaces. We are committed to bridging the technical gap between client knowledge and engineering rigor with clear concise information and reporting.  

Don’t rely on contractors or suppliers for assessments and solutions. Arm yourself with in-depth analysis from professionals who have your best interests in mind. Protect your home with a professional indoor air quality inspection. Your satisfaction is our guarantee.  

Contact us today to learn more.